Shipping & Delivery Methods

Fast and Discreet Delivery

We offer same day delivery within the Vancouver tri-city area! All orders are carefully packed in a discrete, odourless, envelope. We take extra measures to ensure that your order arrives to your door hassle-free and on time. Our delivery methods are as follows:

New Same Day Delivery Areas!

Available for Members in Surrey, Delta, Langley. Mail order available for areas outside of same day delivery locations.

Please contact us to place order and arrange for delivery.

$5 Same Day Delivery

If you are a MedMart Direct member within Vancouver, North Vancouver, Coquitlam, Port Moody, Burnaby, or New Westminster, we are able to deliver within the same-day to your door! We accept Cash, for same-day orders and it’s available Monday-Saturday.

We will communicate with you through phone call when we arrive at the address, so make sure you keep an eye on your phone when expecting a delivery. Missing our phone call for order arrival may cause your order to be delayed. There is a minimum of $50 (before taxes and discounts) for your order to be eligible for same-day delivery.

Delivery Schedule for Monday – Friday

Monday to Friday new same day delivery schedule:
1st Run between 1pm-5pm. Place order before 11:30 am
2nd Run between 4pm-7:30pm. Place order before 4:00pm

Delivery Schedule for Saturday

1st Run between 12pm-4pm. Place order before 12:00 pm
2nd Run between 3pm-7pm. Place order before 2:30pm

Delivery time may change due to unforeseen circumstances.