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Feel CBD Love Cinnamon Rose - Vape Cartridge Original price was: $45.00.Current price is: $30.00.

Sour Amnesia


1 Gram
14 Grams
28 Grams
3.5 Grams
7 Grams


$120 OZ Special

Sour Amnesia

Once you get past her intense sensory experience, Sour Amnesia takes you on a wild ride in the best way possible. Users will instantly notice a cerebral lift that’s downright euphoric, and this level of happiness carries its way over into everything you do. Focus and creativity will peak and for many make this strain a must-have when tackling a busy workday. However, Sour Amnesia has also been known to make people rather social, so if you want to stay on task, be mindful of how much of a chatterbox you are.

Nugs of this strain are very pretty with a lime green base, hints of pink and purple, and a thin layer of fine white trichomes. If you require discretion when you smoke, this bud isn’t for you, as the room will fill with a blend of sour earth, citrus, and diesel. Her flavors are a little more gentle, yet feature a mixture of sour notes along with earth, diesel, and a touch of flowers.

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1 Gram, 14 Grams, 28 Grams, 3.5 Grams, 7 Grams

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